Nefreet |
22 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 83 people marked this as a favorite. |
This is a culmination of every rules ambiguity proposed in the Paizo Blog: Let's Be Clear discussion thread. I figured after 8 pages of comments it was finally time to organize the community's thoughts into one location. I tried including as many relevant links as possible. If you still have additional rules that you think could benefit from a Campaign Clarifications document, feel free to post them below.
1) What does it take to raise a second level character (RAW raise dead does not work)?
2) PC witches may acquire spells from NPC witches at the same cost as PC wizards acquiring spells from NPC wizards.
3) A PC can spend Prestige Points in order to purchase spellcasting services for himself, his gear (including purchased creatures), and any creatures granted by class abilities.
4) Can you use a PFS reroll if the natural die result was a 1?
5) How to adjudicate an Oracle of Bones and their Raise the Dead revelation.
6) Discrepancies within the Additional Resources regarding Poison Use.
7) Concentration checks are [ability]-based checks for [ability]-based casters.
8) SKR describing "class features".
9) How are Wildshape DCs determined?
10) An NPC spellcaster may be paid to cast a spell into a spell-storing item and it can be carried over to the next scenario if unused.
11) Can a Skald share his Rage Powers granted to him via the feat Extra Rage Power?
12) No infinite wealth exploits are allowed.
13) A PC who spends PP to acquire an item worth 750 gp or less does ignore the Fame requirement for that item and for that purchase.
14) Invisible creatures still benefit from flanking.
15) You can only take a 5-foot-step if your movement isn't hampered by difficult terrain or darkness, but what about when moving at half speed or when blinded? They're subtly different conditions.
16) Petition to review the 1/6 Favored Class Bonus errata.
17) Who can Aid Another? What does "In cases where the skill restricts who can achieve certain results" cover?
18) As a Undead Creatures, do Haunts grant a Knowledge (religion) check to identify in addition to their Notice Check?
19) How do Unchained rogues with the Bookish Rogue talent gain and add spells to a spellbook?
20) When you're grappling, one "hand" is unavailable.
21) Are FAQs general in nature, or specific?
22) Traits may be reskinned.
23) What are the Craft DCs for...
a) air crystals
b) ghost salt weapon blanch
c) healy myrrh
d) stink ink (arcane)
e) blackfingers paste
f) casting plaster
g) planar alchemical catalyst
h) elemental brine
i) rockshard canister
j) Clearear
24) Clarifications regarding Animal Companions -
a) Animal Companions and reach (just one of many FAQ requests on the matter)
b) The large ape has 10' reach.
c) List of Animal Companions that appear to have reach equal to their space.
d) Animal Companions know how to use their feats.
e) No player-created Animal Companion tricks; they must be listed somewhere (such as the Air Walk trick).
f) Specific Named Armors (such as Rhino Hide can't be made into Barding.
g) Pricing Mithral Armor for Unusual Creatures.
h) Can Druids with Vermin Companions cast carry companion on their companions?
i) The CRB counts as "another source" when selecting feats for Animal Companions.
j) Animal Companions can't retrain vs Animal Companions can retrain.
k) Should Elephants and Mastodons have the same reach?
25) Clarifications regarding Familiars -
a) Shadow Projection and Share Spells: what size Shadow does my tiny-sized Familiar become?
b) "Caster Level", "Arcane Caster Level", and "Character Level". Can a Divine Caster with a Familiar take the Improved Familiar feat?
c) Valet Familiars grant Alertness as a bonus feat instead of Cooperative Casting.
d) Familiars and available Magic Item slots.
e) Improved Familiars that can use wands.
26) Clarifications regarding Feats -
a) FAQ request on the Bodyguard feat? (Here are the author's thoughts)
b) How is the feat Thunder and Fang intended to work?
c) Russ Taylor explains Boon Companion.
d) Spell Mastery is available to any class that is "able to prepare 1st-level arcane spells or prepare 1st-level extracts".
e) Allowing the Undersized Mount feat to work with Paladins, Cavaliers, Nature Oracles, and anyone else with similar "Mount"-type class features.
f) How does Parry Spell work?
g) Sap Adept, Sap Master, and Offensive Defense.
h) How does Diehard interact with Regeneration?
i) Dervish Dance isn't supposed to reward tricky-thinking two-weapon fighters.
j) How does False Focus interact with Alchemical power components?
k) Does Martial Weapon Proficiency actually make you proficient with your selected weapon?
l) Is Weapon Focus (rock) a valid choice?
m) Is Weapon Focus (improvised weapon) a valid choice?
n) Here are the author's thoughts on Ascetic Style.
o) Humans, Aasimars with Scion of Humanity, Half-elves, Half-orcs, and Racial Heritage.
27) Clarifications regarding Skills -
a) UMD: Do "effective levels in a class" gained from emulating a class feature allow you to count as a member of a class?
b) UMD: Can an Oracle use UMD on a Ring of Revelation to get a revelation from a mystery that they don't have by emulating that mystery as a class feature?
c) UMD: Can you emulate class features of your class that you do not have?
d) Spellcraft: Can you identify "manifestations" from wands, potions, "and the like"?
e) Spellcraft: Can classes without spellbooks scribe spells in them using Spellcraft?
f) Stealth: Using the stealth skill is done differently at every table I visit.
g) Knowledge: How to handle identifying creatures would be nice (I have my own ideas on the matter).
28) Clarifications regarding Magic Items -
a) Does the ring of the sublime give permanent fear immunity?
b) Does a Cracked Pearly White Spindle Ioun Stone negate all bleed damage?
c) Does spending 4,461 gp really get you Improved Unarmed Strike?
d) You cannot upgrade an item to an item of a different name with the exception of belts and headbands
e) I spent 2pp to acquire a Dragonhide Breastplate. Can I enchant it to +1, since +1 armor is "always available"?
f) Do the inherent bonuses granted by tomes and manuals transfer between scenarios?
g) If an item has been enchanted and upgraded to a +1 item, it does not count against the one MW transform item allowed per character.
h) The Alchemy Manual's vial of efficacious medicine is priced 700 gp, even though the crafting cost is 4500 gp.
i) Potions of Strong Jaw are legal.
j) Does a Vicious, Merciful weapon deal 1d6 nonlethal damage to the wielder?
k) Would Merciful then make the Fire damage from Flaming nonlethal as well?
l) Seeking longbows (and the like) are valid.
m) The resonance power of the clear spindle ioun stone in a wayfinder protects against evil spellcasters, spells, and objects.
n) Choose whether your magical weapon sheds light when you acquire it; the light cannot be turned off.
o) Can Ioun Spite Bracers steal flawed/cracked ioun stones?
29) Clarifications regarding non-Magic Items -
a) Is a Spiked Shield a specific item that can be further enhanced with effects such as Bashing or Lead Blades? Or are the Spikes themselves considered a "virtual size increase"?
b) Can you store a loaded crossbow? Same question, but for firearms and bullets/powder.
c) Can we get Special Material Firearm Ammunition prices codified in this document?
d) Alchemical cartridges are not meant to have blanch applied to them.
e) Durable ammunition can come in non-arrow forms.
f) Do firearms count as metal? or wood?
30) Clarifications regarding Spring Loaded Wrist Sheathes -
a) Is the list given (that doesn't include scrolls) exhaustive?
b) If not, would removing the scroll from a Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath destroy the scroll, making it useless anyway?
c) If not, would removing the scroll from a Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath (a swift action) provoke an AoO?
d) Here's a really good discussion on the matter.
31) Clarifications regarding Legality -
a) The section on "Advanced Ioun Stones" from Seekers of Secrets is not legal for play.
b) Armored Kilt: "No it is not legal"
c) An item must grant a uniform bonus to the entire skill to help with a Day Job check.
d) Grenadier Alchemist from Monster Codex has the same text as that in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide (excepting that it states it is an archetype often taken by hobgoblins), but only one is legal.
32) Clarifications regarding Boons -
a) You can more than 1 "this must be your first Chronicle Sheet" in your stack of Chronicle Sheets.
b) If someone has a race boon, and 3 or less XPs, then they may use the race boon in the rebuild.
c) There are four Elemental Race Boons, each with different names. Can I attach all four to a character and use the variant Luck Bonus section from each?
33) Clarifications regarding Psychic Casters -
a) How do psychic casters regain their spells? (Arcane require 8 hours rest, Divine get spells back at a certain time of day regardless of rest.)
b) Are Psychic casters subject to the "recent casting limit" restriction?
c) If I select a Psychic spell for Magical Lineage or Wayang Spellhunter, and I undercast that spell (for instance Mind Thrust III to Mind Thrust I), does the Trait work for the undercast version?
d) Psychic bloodline Sorcerers cast psychic spells instead of arcane spells. Is it still considered an arcane spellcasting class?
e) When does a Medium pick up their legendary spirit?
34) Clarifications regarding Spells -
a) Spiritual Weapon/Spiritual Ally: A character who receives these as bonus spells (such as an oracle mystery spell or witch patron spell) may use her primary spellcasting ability score in place of her Wisdom score when calculating the spell’s attack bonus.
b) What type of Elementals can you summon with Summon Monster and Summon Nature's Ally?
c) In what ways may a caster "communicate" with their summons to direct them in combat?
d) Tapestry's Embrace is a non-existant bonus spell for the Void Elemental School.
e) Call the Void is a spell described as "a new spell that exemplifies the dark powers of the void", which is not listed as a void spell.
f) Gust of Wind vs Obscuring Mist.
g) Can I cast Animate Dead on a Briarborn Juggernaut?
35) Clarifications regarding Day Job checks -
a) You may use Crafter's Fortune on your Day Job check.
b) A Warden Ranger with the Hunting Lodge vanity cannot take 20 on their Day Job check.
36) Clarifications regarding GMing -
a) Don't coup de grace a PC unless the scenario calls for it (and restated here).
b) Treat a Spiritualist's Phantom as a "combat animal", as per the FAQ.
c) RAW is not the be-all and end-all because we're not operating in a vacuum.
d) If the PCs are grossly negligent then there is nothing wrong with them being arrested for their illegal behavior.
e) Purchasing items between scenarios and GMs filling out Chronicle Sheets.
37) Clarifications regarding Roleplaying -
a) You can't reskin a character to look like a drow or half-drow.
b) Your character may change sex in between scenarios for free.
c) Your character can be "field commissioned" if you want.
38) Clarifications regarding Pregens -
a) You can always choose to play an in-tier Pregen.
b) You have to play your actual character to check off a box for your character's faction journal card.
c) If your Pregen dies, you may assign the Chronicle to a different PC than the one you initially signed up with.
39) Clarifications regarding Replay -
a) You cannot replay a scenario at an already legal table at a sanctioned event just for fun without burning a GM star, unless it is one of the evergreen scenarios that allow unlimited replay.
b) You can replay to make a table legal but you do not receive "credit" for that replay, unless it is a GM star replay.
c) Can 1 new person be accompanied by 3 replayers to make a legal table?
40) Clarifications regarding Retraining -
a) PCs may use the rules in Ultimate Campaign for retraining Hit Points (at the cost of 3pp/hp).
b) What class features of the newer classes are capable of being retrained? Or is retraining "general" in nature?
41) Clarifications regarding the 1st Level Rebuild -
a) Can we get the term "rebuild" clarificatied and distinguished from "Retrain"?
b) If you go from level 1 to level X with GM credit you still get your 1st level rebuild.
42) Clarifications regarding Alchemists -
a) What can an Alchemist actually do with their Vestigial organs (arms and/or tentacle)?
b) How does the healing bomb discovery from Magical Marketplace work?
43) Clarifications regarding Charging and Mounted Combat rules -
a) Charges lanes don't have to follow the grid.
b) When charging, what does "directly toward the designated opponent" mean?
c) How to adjudicate Wheeling Charge and Ride-By Attack.
d) How to adjudicate Trample and Overrun Combat Maneuvers.
e) How do the mounted combat rules interact with the grapple rules?
44) Clarifications regarding Clerics, Domains, etc. -
a) Can Separatist Clerics access Animal and Terrain Domains?
b) Any character whose class ability or proficiency list states that he gains proficiency with his deity's favored weapon (and that favored weapon is an unarmed strike) receives Improved Unarmed Strike for free.
c) James Jacobs says that Apsu grants spells.
d) To select a blessing, a warpriest must worship a deity that offers the domain of the same name.
e) Do Oathbound Paladins receive bonus spell slots?
45) Clarifications regarding Alternate Racial Traits -
a) How can a Half-elf choose Inspire Imitation?
b) Aasimar Alternate Racial Trait Question on Incorruptible.
46) Clarifications regarding Prestige Classes -
a) Hellknight Smite Chaos: What does "twice as effective" mean?
b) Diabolist: "you need to be able to cast 5th level Wizard spells or 4th level Cleric spells".
47) Clarifications regarding Archetypes and Alternate Classes -
a) There are no "unchained ninjas" in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.
b) Unchained Monks may not select archetypes.
c) Does the Sword Saint Samurai's Brutal Slash ability replace the base Samurai's Mounted Archer ability?
d) Resolve / Determined: At 8th level this ability states that a Samurai may use a standard action to remove the Nauseated condition, which only allows a move action.
e) Can a Spirit Guide Oracle take Extra Hex?
f) Can Gunslingers use the grit from the Amateur Swashbuckler feat?
I've also saved this post as a Word document so that I can add to/ammend it as needed.
Andy Brown |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
If you still have additional rules that you think could benefit from a Campaign Clarifications document, feel free to post them below.
Another suggestion:
A clarification on starting languages for Kitsune and other non-human Tian characters: do they get both Common & Tien for free? Additional confusion for Kitsune comes from the language lists being different in the Dragon Empire Primer and the Advanced Race Guidethis thread and this thread have some earlier comments
Drake Brimstone |
I know that was answered, I'd have to go looking to find the thread, for Nagaji, and that ruling would apply to the other races as well.
You pick your legal source; whatever languages it says you get for free, you get for free. If Common isn't one of them, then you also add Common.
I'll try and find the thread and post a link.
edit: Here is the Link
Andy Brown |
I know that was answered, I'd have to go looking to find the thread, for Nagaji, and that ruling would apply to the other races as well.
You pick your legal source; whatever languages it says you get for free, you get for free. If Common isn't one of them, then you also add Common.
I'll try and find the thread and post a link.
edit: Here is the Link
Aha. I think it possibly still needs to be made clearer in the Guide for next year
Azouth |
I would like to know about Gloom Chymist. Normal Alchemist get brew potion, but in PFS they get extra bombs.
A gloom does not qualify as a bomb for the purposes of feats or discoveries.
So in they get a feat that they can't get and/or does nothing.
Should they get something else?
Jason Wu |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Been trying to get a couple of official FAQ responses for ages, but perhaps PFS clarifications are good enough for now:
1) Given that the White Haired Witch archetype is more or less the Prehensile Hair hex made into an entire class, is it really supposed to only use Intelligence for 'hair' damage rolls but not attack rolls, when the original hex uses Intelligence for both attack and damage? Or was it simply an oversight in the writing?
2) A few classes like the Brawler and Warpriest have the ability to substitute the base damage dice of weapons with dice specified by that class and class level. If you have an effect that further alters the size category or the weapon in question, does the size increase adjustment get applied to the original damage dice, the substituted damage dice, both, or neither?
Kalindlara Contributor |
MadScientistWorking Venture-Lieutenant, Massachusetts—Boston Metro |
I would like to know about Gloom Chymist. Normal Alchemist get brew potion, but in PFS they get extra bombs.
A gloom does not qualify as a bomb for the purposes of feats or discoveries.
So in they get a feat that they can't get and/or does nothing.Should they get something else?
John said skill focus planes in another thread.
BartonOliver |
Azouth wrote:John said skill focus planes in another thread.I would like to know about Gloom Chymist. Normal Alchemist get brew potion, but in PFS they get extra bombs.
A gloom does not qualify as a bomb for the purposes of feats or discoveries.
So in they get a feat that they can't get and/or does nothing.Should they get something else?
The gloomchymist archetype grants Skill Focus (Craft [alchemy] or Knowledge [planes]) as a bonus feat instead of Extra Bombs
It's in the new AR update
claudekennilol |
I was under the impression the campaign clarifications doc was to be updated alongside the additional resources doc. While obviously I didn't expect everything on this list to be included, I was expecting an update. Is this document going to have a permanent home so that new people will be able to find it without having to peruse old blog entries?
CanisDirus Contributor |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
Request - Clarifications on the Inner Sea Pirate prestige class from the "Pirates of the Inner Sea" Player Companion.
Here is the relevant thread detailing that the PrC is missing its HD. Also missing is a clarification on whether page 24 or 25 in Pirates of the Inner Sea is correct as to when Pirate Tricks are obtained.
Here is some commentary noting an AP NPC with this prestige class and his stats. In it, the AP suggests that the chart on Page 25 of Pirates of the Inner Sea is correct and the text on Page 24 is wrong. It also confirms what James Jacobs said about the class having d8 HD.
Thanks very much in advance.
Kurald Galain RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
Suggest adding:
How does the gnome alternate racial trait Pyromaniac (ARG) interact with the Kineticist - pyrokineticist class (OA)?
That's pretty obvious: it doesn't.
Pyromaniac adds to spells with the fire descriptor; powers of the Fire domain, fire elemental bloodline, or flame mystery; and alchemist bombs. The kinny's ability is none of the above.
Ed Reppert |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"1) What does it take to raise a second level character (RAW raise dead does not work)?"
A restoration spell immediately after the raise dead. See the last paragraph under "Energy drain and Negative Levels" in the CRB Glossary.
Kitty Catoblepas |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Darrell Impey UK wrote:Suggest adding:
How does the gnome alternate racial trait Pyromaniac (ARG) interact with the Kineticist - pyrokineticist class (OA)?That's pretty obvious: it doesn't.
Pyromaniac adds to spells with the fire descriptor; powers of the Fire domain, fire elemental bloodline, or flame mystery; and alchemist bombs. The kinny's ability is none of the above.
That always struck me as a flaw in Pathfinder content's independent updates. Sure, it would make sense for a Lava Gnome to get the Pyromaniac bonus to the Volcano Mystery (among others), but it isn't spelled out in the ability.
The game would benefit from categorization. If the Pyromaniac ability applied its benefit to <fire magic> then we could easily determine intent if a new ability belonged to the <fire magic> group.
Of course, this is me asking for the moon, but this seems like a good thread for lunar requests.
Flutter |
Are Hooves on a combat trained animal companion primary or secondary?
Useful info
* This is a secondary natural attack, see Combat for more information on how secondary attacks work.
4th-Level Advancement
Ability Scores Str +2, Con +2; Special Qualities combat trained.
Under the general horse entry
Docile (Ex)
Unless specifically trained for combat (see the Handle Animal skill), a horse's hooves are treated as secondary attacks.
Argument for secondary: The animal companion horse technically doesn't have the docile ability. It has hooves. Hooves are listed as a secondary attack on the natural attacks chart in the bestiary, so they're secondary.
Argument For primary The bestiary and animal companions were being put together at the same time.
Kind of coincidental that the horse companion gets the ability "combat trained" to make the hooves primary. (and likely won't serve any other purpose since most horses are combat trained from level 1)
A combat horse bought off the lot shouldn't have better hoof attacks than an animal companion
Starglim |
Hooves are listed as a secondary attack on the natural attacks chart in the bestiary, so they're secondary.
They're also listed as secondary for the horse animal companion, which if it doesn't get Docile, doesn't as written have any game ability that changes this. I agree they should and were intended to become primary.
Kind of coincidental that the horse companion gets the ability "combat trained" to make the hooves primary. (and likely won't serve any other purpose since most horses are combat trained from level 1)
A combat horse bought off the lot shouldn't have better hoof attacks than an animal companion
Well, the class abilities that give a horse combat training from level 1 didn't exist when the CRB was written. For a druid it's a sensible but not guaranteed choice to train the horse's standard tricks as combat training.
Jason Wu |
Should pterosaurs be counted as dinosaurs for abilities and powers that specify dinosaurs? I know that species-wise, they're a seperate evolutionary branch, but theme-wise grouping them together makes sense from a game perspective.
More of a request than clarifications, can dire animals be added to the "megafauna" classification?
Slothsy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
This is more a personal thing - can we have the prices on the lances in Knights of the Inner Sea looked at? The War Lance and the Knight-Captain's Lances had their prices switched, which makes the Knight-Captain's Lance severely overpriced and the War Lance severely underpriced (and why it was made not legal for play, from my understanding.
War Lance
Aura moderate abjuration CL 8th
Slot none; Price 10,310 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
Shorter and thicker than most lances, this +3 lance has a full-sized shield worked into the vamplate, though it is too heavy to count as a shield for shield bash and similar maneuvers, and does not automatically grant the wielder a shield bonus to AC. However, a war lance grants the wielder and her steed a +2 shield bonus to AC when the wielder is mounted.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield; Price 5,310 gp
Knight-Captain's Lance
Aura moderate evocation CL 6th
Slot none; Price 22,710 gp; Weight 13 lbs.
This ornate +2 lance changes in color and style to match the armor of the wielder. A bright pennon flies from the end of the lance, mounted just behind the lance’s point, and if the wielder has personal heraldry, the pennon displays that heraldry. This pennon can serve as a cavalier’s banner. The weapon counts as alchemical silver for purposes of penetrating DR. Three times per day, when the wielder successfully damages a target with the knight-captain’s lance, as a swift action she may grant all allies within 60 feet a +2 morale bonus on the next attack roll they make against the same target. The bonus lasts for 1 round.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, divine favor; Price 11,510 gp
Jason Wu |
One more Dinosaur request: Can we have Megaraptors added as legal for characters that can take dinosaur animal companions/wild shape/polymorph forms? They are listed in the Bestiary as merely being size Large versions of the Deinonychus, with more hit dice.
Unfortunately since they already have a semi-write-up in the Bestiary, I don't see them getting a seperate entry in future books. They have appeared in PFS scenarios, albeit undead versions both times.
MadScientistWorking Venture-Lieutenant, Massachusetts—Boston Metro |
When can you use immediate actions?
- Can you use emergency force sphere to block an incoming fireball?
- Can you use windy escape to negate a confirmed crit/before a crit threat is confirmed to make sure it is not confirmed?
Why is this a question? It renders an entire class feature entirely useless if you couldn't use immediate actions to prevent incoming actions.
FiddlersGreen |
FiddlersGreen wrote:Why is this a question? It renders an entire class feature entirely useless if you couldn't use immediate actions to prevent incoming actions.When can you use immediate actions?
- Can you use emergency force sphere to block an incoming fireball?
- Can you use windy escape to negate a confirmed crit/before a crit threat is confirmed to make sure it is not confirmed?
Well, there was a whole long discussion about it.
And another about EFS specifically.
And one more about windy escape.
Personally, I love immediate actions, since it makes combat more dynamic. I wish PFS enemies would use them more often too. A fireball splashing against a hastily conjured wall of force or a Sylph turning himself (even more) gaseous to protect his vital organs when he realises an instant before that scythe is going to puncture his lung - any good cinematic battle has at least a few last-second counters by both the hero and the villain.
But others have raised the question, so I thought some clarification would help.
Linda Zayas-Palmer Developer |
Ascalaphus Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden |
In the newly appproved Magic Tactics Toolbox player companion, the Questioner Investigator archetype exchanges alchemy (which normally doesn't risk arcane spell failure) for bard spellcasting. Is the questioner supposed to ignore arcane spell failure chance due to light armor, just like a bard?
So Magic Tactics Toolbox was discussed in the new edition of the Clarifications, but this wasn't.
Can we know if that was an intentional decision not to change it, or just an oversight? I'm firmly convinced that the Questioner's problem is an accident during writing, but it does rather undermine the archetype.
The Questioner trades Alchemy for bardic spellcasting. Bards have a line in their armor proficiencies saying they don't get ASF in Light Armor. That line doesn't by RAW carry over to the Questioner.
I believe it should and that this is just an oversight;
1) Both classes have light armor proficiency and can normally cast in it.
2) The Questioner keeps light armor proficiency. This would make it the only example I know of a class that can't cast well in its regular armor.
3) The Questioner remains melee-focused (keeps Studied Combat, which only works in melee unless you have a long feat chain). The archetype isn't obviously meant to no longer fight.
4) The Questioner's new spell list no longer has Shield, and doesn't have Mage Armor. Again, I can't name any class that's got ASF and not got Mage Armor.
What I propose:
Questioner: Questioner Investigators can cast spells in light armor without arcane spell failure chance. Unlike bards, they do not ignore spell failure chance for shields. Because investigators do not get shield proficiency.
Kurald Galain RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
Ascalaphus Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden |
A recurring question about the Harm spell. Does the clause that it cannot reduce HP below one apply on a successful save only, or regardless of saving throw? The spell's wording can be read either way.
Harm charges a subject with negative energy that deals 10 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 150 points at 15th level). If the creature successfully saves, harm deals half this amount. Harm cannot reduce the target's hit points to less than 1.
I don't see any ambiguity. Harm cannot reduce the target's hit points to less than 1. Ever.
Rysky |
Kurald Galain wrote:A recurring question about the Harm spell. Does the clause that it cannot reduce HP below one apply on a successful save only, or regardless of saving throw? The spell's wording can be read either way.Huh?
Harm wrote:Harm charges a subject with negative energy that deals 10 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 150 points at 15th level). If the creature successfully saves, harm deals half this amount. Harm cannot reduce the target's hit points to less than 1.I don't see any ambiguity. Harm cannot reduce the target's hit points to less than 1. Ever.
*checks sources, Pathfinder and 3.5*
WOW, never knew that, we've been murderizing stuff for years with that spell XD
And I agree with Lau, with the way the last sentence is structured there's no ambiguity.
Auke Teeninga Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
WOW, never knew that, we've been murderizing stuff for years with that spell XD
Rysky |
Rysky wrote:WOW, never knew that, we've been murderizing stuff for years with that spell XD
(Only been playing since 3.5 myself)
DM Beckett |
I don't see any ambiguity. Harm cannot reduce the target's hit points to less than 1. Ever.
In 3.5 it could.
Harm charges a subject with negative energy that deals 10 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 150 points at 15th level). If the creature successfully saves, harm deals half this amount, but it cannot reduce the target’s hit points to less than 1.
PF specifically changed that so that Harm could not outright kill, and if you are familiar with older editions, it's a very easy thing to miss.
Harm charges a subject with negative energy that deals 10 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 150 points at 15th level). If the creature successfully saves, harm deals half this amount. Harm cannot reduce the target's hit points to less than 1.
DM Beckett |
It could be useful to add a clarification on Wild Shields and giving their shield bonus while wildshaped to the clarification doc.
You are assuming that it was supposed to, which might not be the case. Shields don't have a long period to remove or equip like armor does, and a shield could be much more easily used as a weapon, too, and despite what BNW says one down, there is no ambiguity as to if you can apply the magical property to a shield, just if it does what you want it to, which is different than what the property actually says.
I could see it very easily allowing Armor, and only Armor bonuses to AC to remain while Wild Shaped, even if it's a property you put on your shield.